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Atlantic Sea Cucumber / 未分类

Atlantic Sea Cucumber on CTV Tides & Tables!

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYadO1tgY34[/embed] We are overjoyed to have been featured on CTV Atlantic's Tides & Tables segment!  In this newscast, you'll learn more about Atlantic Sea Cucumber and Nova Sea Atlantic sea cucumber capsules.   Learn how the two companies work together to create cutting edge products, using Atlantic sea...

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Atlantic Sea Cucumber LTD. exports delicacies to Asian markets from Hackett’s cove, NS

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1Mlht6ZREs&feature=emb_title[/embed] “Sea cucumbers were often discarded as a bycatch by scallop fishermen, but are now a lucrative catch themselves thanks to exports to Asia, where they’re valued as a nutritious delicacy,” said Lincoln Ellsworth, Atlantic Sea Cucumber Ltd. spokesperson. Read the full article with Halifax Partnership here:...

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Congratulations to AKSO Biotech, Inc.

Atlantic Sea Cucumber, Ltd. would like to congratulate AKSO Biotech, Inc. for winning the Best Product of 2019 Award from the Retail Council of Canada Grand Prix Awards on Thursday, July 30th, 2020.    Nova Sea Atlantic™ Sea Cucumber Capsules are made with the highest quality sea...

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泡发: 第一步:将半磅干海参放入无油的器皿(建议瓦罐)+三倍体积的纯净水,收入冰箱冷藏24小时; 第二步:将完成冷藏首泡的海参换4倍的纯净水,在火上煮沸后马上将火调小,焖10分钟后关火,等待锅中水温自然冷却(需要一夜时间降温); 第三步:重复第二步; 第四步:将两次煮沸后焖泡至自然冷却的海参换纯净水+冰,收入冰箱冷藏一夜。   去腥: 泡发的海参去除杂物洗净 温油下入大葱丝姜丝,待到葱丝姜丝呈焦黄,并有香气,捞出 切好的海参块(条)划入葱油中,煸炒,加入适量料酒,加水盖没海参,烧开,改用中小火焖煮 水量减少后,翻炒,调入盐和少许味精,以及绿色葱丝部分,焖煮到自己喜欢的口感,翻炒到收干汁水 tips:水亦可由不油腻高汤替代,味精主要是吊鲜功能 味精要少,海参本身很鲜,吊一点味鲜味就全出来了。   更多关于加拿大海参的信息和烹饪菜肴,敬请微信公众号搜索并关注:“珞参麟海参”。   需要联系客服,请扫下方二维码 ...

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